British Science Wars – > Dr.Watson and Sherlock Holmes investigate the DNA optical war. Dr. Watson and DNA geometry VERSUS the government approved light bulb watt geometry and the eye manipulations. The Lost Angeles WATTS riots over electromagnetic power emissions.


Key to  additional wisdom of DR. Watson..Internet/BLOG keywords:

– Dr.Watson explains DNA origin of Sherlock Holmes
– Dr.Watson and Sherlock Holmes  the ETHER brain War
– Dr.Watson math war ……. The Laurent expansion into Afghanistan
– Dr.Watson in Afghanistan
– British RAF computer war . . . . .

The Sherlock Holmes  story  ” Reigate Puzzle”  mentions DR.Watson in Afghanistan.  What is the modern day DR.WATSON and the British Military in Afghanistan?  In Base 16 hexadecimal terms of bio-computer science …..we have the symbols AF  as in  AFGHANISTAN.

AFghanistan exist as  physical geography country on the surface of EARTH.
That is ought be the primary/ first  concept of AF.ghanistan inside your brain.

The human brain has many symbolic maps inside it.
Thus we have additional defintions of the word AF.ghanistan …depending upon the levels of your brain.
Your brain is like a tall building with several floors (external bulding) .
Inside your  brain (an internal symbolic building)  ..the  floors ought be  filled with ideas, symbols, nouns, verbs, chemistry,  and math equations.

Thus at the Base 16 hexadecvimal level/floor we have base 16 Hex’AF’ = 175 = AF.ghanistan as part of COMPUTER EARTH system 370.

Is your brain empty?
Is your brain filled with  nonsense?
Thus we have the symbolic wars ….such as the English class war at Virginia TECH and the subsequent cover-up by American universities.

In modern communications theory of molecular cell social biology we have the DNA Afghanistan WAR messages  for  Watson and Crick.

Using United States  SCIENCE WAR agency terminology we have the parallel:

external electromagnetic field evolution
–> FCC = Federal Communications Commission …. …..

internal biology and optical DARA fields with the
double-helix internal message system is:
—->  DNA FCC = DNA  Francis C. Crick and
with DNA wireless Cricket broadband system.

Why is ElectroMagnetic DNA  –> EM DNA a problem? Nature is constantly evolving and occcasionally mutations occur with errors: either physical mutations which have obvious physical visibility   or the hidden symbolic thought mutations inside the human brain.  In year 2011, the evolution of brain electron thought circuits with EM humans –> EM = EM.ployees and EM.bassy diplomats….have aquired this hidden  EM feature of the subliminal mind. The conscious mind is oblivious to this process; but an objective science student realizes that this EM feature would explain many types of thinking and opinions as demonstrated on television talk shows and radio talk shows.  Nature’s warning message to civilization’s  comatose intellectuals.  Thus the few remaining  independent thinkers  that read and understand the signifinance of this BLOG message …many wish to send an e-mail to a university science department.

Thus lets look at the citizen/government   EM light bulb  geometry   photon  ATTACK  upon the DNA wavelike  geometry that is used by eye/brain/optical nerve to capture and process the input EM waves to the eye.

Thus the Darwinian evolution from the year 1953 Cavendish Labs DNA model …to the year 2010 DNA electromagnetic mutations of television, radio, cellular phones, etc. The INTELLECTUAL WAR of the HIDDEN  human subliminal mind… being fought VIA the Francis C. Crick DNA extension –> DNA broadband wireless INTERNET services.

Thus the BRAVE NEW WORLD new world  electron battle FORMAT :

copper wire  PERSONAL COMPUTER electron thoughts    VS
biological ..PERSON…COMPUTER brain electron thoughts

Thus we have NATURE’s announcement of a new dimension of electron warfare
–> the new  VIRGIN Technology  used in the shooting battle..the subtle, indirect  message  of the Virginia TECH University tragedy….. the brain electron design  English language tragic message….with university CAD = Computer Aided Design of student CAD = CADAVERS.

Nature has human agents…to speak on behalf of Nature’s intellect.  Margaret Thatcher, the IRON LADY,  is a ferrous oxide atomic agent for the Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology…atomic government of the periodic table of elements of  physics particle social expressions. The SCIENCE WAR  needs intellectual warriors….that understand the basic symbolism and parallels of this BLOG. If so, we need some sort of alliance effectively challenge those humans  under the hypnotic trance whose  potential existence was predicted by  books:  BRAVE NEW WORLD and 1984.

Year 1984 was over 26 years ago…..hypnosis and thought distortion have had 26 ferrous oxide PROTON atomic years to evolve.  Now  I predict…. we may have a new version of BRAVE NEW WORLD….brave thinkers with clear, accurate understandings of basic social engineering processes and their feedback error systems. Anyone out there?   Any suggestions on how to have a unified group of  SCIENCE WAR intellectual warrriors?

Brain radio neurotransmitter secret humanoid agents:
DNA FCC  = DNA Francis C. Cricket type scientists  ….have yet to communicate to a analyst of NATURE: HERBERT MAX ZINSER…….Nature’s symbolic son for Maxwell equations, Hertzian waves, and the bio-physics project plan……….. Max Plan of  Max Planck.

Update your symbolic brain life. The <b>symbolic proper nouns:  Sherlock Holmes and DR.Watson are symbolic humans living in your optical nerve and brain memory</b>.  They need news about their 100 year  investigation into the subliminal mind of society and societies secret languages. Their hidden  research now comes to light.  Your blood/barrier barrier …..barrier to knowledge awaits the SIGNAL to wake up. Be intellectually BRAVE and become the next generation of: the Brave New World of accurate thinkers.

The Beattles of  LIVER molecular cell biology came from LIVERPOOL, England and sent a science message to the world …VIA song “Help”.  Why  am I the only guy helping?  The SCIENCE WARS need active brain warriors.  The  “HELP” song  involved  British scientists at the University of Liverpool….so while we are late….lets get started in year 2011 to solve the usage of  brain hypnosis as a military weapon.

Now, in year 2011 we have the current optical nerve …. brain war zone with light bulbs. Thus we see the modern photon light bulb-war ….. the electromagnetic helix wars with Washington, DC and their approval of optical nerve manipulation plots. Notice that the geometry of the new light bulbs is helix shaped ….. the Double-helix and the Double-cross … treason in the intellectual optic wars. Thus the  optic war battlefield and Virginia TECH English class 101  for eyes/retina/iris/pupils ….. a study in the CAUSE and EFFECT of VIRGIN TECH technology optical schemes and the very incomplete explanation about the TRUE, deeper nature of the tragic shooting.

CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA

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